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Additional traffic restrictions at Fântâna Miorița

Starting from 05.10.2024, additional traffic restrictions come into force in the area of the Miorița Fountain.

The construction site activities, phase 2, for the future Gara Băneasa metro station on the alignment of the future M6 Metro Line, South Section, require these measures.

Access to and from Tipografilor Street will be completely closed.

The turn lane from București-Ploiești Road to Tipografilor Street will be closed.

Drivers who need to travel along Tipografilor Street are advised to reconfigure their route via Poligrafiei Boulevard.

IMPORTANT: Road traffic will continue on two lanes in each direction of București-Ploiești Road in the above mentioned area.

The implementation of traffic restrictions is approved by the Technical Traffic Commission of the Bucharest City Hall, Transport Department, Bucharest Streets Administration and Bucharest Traffic Brigade, by Approval No. 2791.889 of 03.10.2024, valid until 09.12.2024.

Traffic diversion and road signage in the works area will be carried out in accordance with the legislation in force.

We thank all traffic participants on the above-mentioned route for their understanding.

Bucharest International Airport Rail Access Link Project (Metro Line 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni) is a project of public utility, of national interest, according to Government Decision no. 496/2017, with subsequent amendments and additions, which ensures the mobility needs of people through the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

M6 is a project for Romania!

Meeting with high-level members of the House of Councillors of the National Diet of Japan and the Japanese Ambassador to Romania

The coordination center of the works for the future M6 Metro Line has been visited by important guests. The delegation led by Mr. Hiroyuki Nagahama, Vice-President of the House of Councillors of the National Diet of Japan, Mr. Masaaki Taniai, Mr. Satoshi Inoue and other representative members of the House of Councillors of the Upper House of the Japanese Parliament, together with His Excellency Mr. Takashi Katae, Ambassador of Japan in Romania, met with representatives of the Technical and Investment Department of METROREX and the Project Supervisor, the PADECO Co, Ltd. – ORIENTAL CONSULTANTS GLOBAL Co., Ltd. – METROUL S.A.

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the progress of the project implementation and the perspective of its development within the framework of the Romanian-Japanese strategic partnership, M6 Metro Line being a major investment landmark, which reflects the successful partnership between the two countries.

The guests toured the future Tokyo metro station in the vicinity of the Main Site Organization, the site of the visit of the high officials.

“Bucharest International Airport Rail Access Link Project (Metro Line 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni)” is a project of public utility and national interest, as outlined in Government Decision no. 496/2017, with subsequent amendments, ensuring the mobility needs of passengers through the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T). The design and build of the North Section of the new M6 Metro Line is financed from the state budget and from repayable external funds – JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) external credit.

M6, South Section, Main site organization

Bucharest, February 19, 2024 – The South Section of the M6 Metro Line (Lot 1.1), 1 Mai – Tokyo, starts work on the Main Site Organization – Main Site. The joint venture ALSIM ALARKO-MAKYOL, the constructor appointed by METROREX S.A. for the design and build of the structural works for Lot 1.1: 1 MAI – TOKYO, within the framework of the major project of public interest “Bucharest International Airport Rail Access Link Project (Metro Line 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni” – SMIS code 2014+117704, starts the organization of the Main Site – Main Construction Site, having obtained on 12. 02.02.2024 of the Building Permit No 24/01/I/81345, for the organization of the execution of works for the realization of the M6 Metro Line “main site”- coordination center with administrative role including centralized storage and temporary accommodation components, independently from the site organization related to the execution works for the M6 route and the metro stations on its length.

The main site organization is located next to the future Tokyo Station, in the immediate vicinity of the Băneasa Airport (Aeroport Băneasa), another upcoming station on the M6 Metro Line route. The execution period of the works is 39 months, according to the aforementioned Permit, calculated from the effective start date of works. This includes: perimeter fencing of the two component areas with temporary metal enclosing elements (posts and netting), realization of enclosure roads, arrangement of supporting platforms for the buildings and storage areas, installation on the platforms of containers, metalic hall-type buildings intended for administration, storage, temporary accommodation, other related activities, installation of technical equipment, assembly equipment for workshops, truck washing station, car scales, arrangement of parking lots, location of gate booths, etc.

Execution of construction works for the “Bucharest International Airport Rail Access Link Project (Metro Line 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni). Design and Build – Civil Works for Lot 1.1: 1 Mai – Tokyo” was authorized with the Building Permit No. 80 of 13.12.2023, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.

The M6 Metro Line features 14.2 km of double-tracks, 12 new modern trains, and 12 stations.
The South Section (Lot 1.1) is the segment between (the currently existing) 1 Mai – Tokyo (inclusive; Airport Băneasa, IKEA area) stations and has a route of 6.6 km. In addition to the 1 Mai station (existing), the South Section includes six stations: Pajura, Expoziției, Piața Montreal, Gara Băneasa, Aeroport Băneasa, Tokyo; Lot 1.1 route also includes six interstations: 1 Mai-Pajura, Pajura-Expoziției, Expoziției-Piața Montreal, Piața Montreal-Gara Băneasa, Gara Băneasa-Aeroport Băneasa, Aeroport Băneasa-Tokyo.

About M6 Metro Line
M6 Metro Line: 1 Mai-Otopeni aims mainly to serve the Otopeni International Airport, linking it to the North Railway Station (Gara de Nord). The location of the M6 Metro Line, 1 Mai – Otopeni, the connection of the metro network with Henri Coandă International Airport will be developed in the N-NV direction of the Capital and will cross District 1, respectively the following neighborhoods: Grivița, Bucureștii Noi, Piața Presei Libere, Băneasa, Privighetorilor and Otopeni.
The new metro line is configured into two sections and will comprise a total of 12 new stations. The South Section of the project, 1 Mai – Tokyo, (Lot 1.1) includes a joint station with the current M4 line and 6 new stations: Pajura, Expoziției, Piața Montreal, Gara Băneasa, Aeroport Băneasa, Tokyo. The North Section, Tokyo – Otopeni Airport, related to Lot 1.2 includes the stations: Washington, Paris, Bruxelles, Otopeni, Ion I. C. Brătianu and Aeroport Otopeni.

The principal areas crossed are mainly residential areas, commercial areas, services, transportation areas, special purpose area, public utility services, areas of cultural interest, open land with potential for construction (on Expoziției Boulevard, Poligrafiei Boulevard, Băneasa, Otopeni), green and recreational areas.

At the ring road station (Bruxelles), a “Park & Ride” parking lot will be built, with around 500 spaces, where drivers will be able to leave their cars to continue their subway journey.

METROREX S.A. – Bucharest Metro Network Operator

International Consortium consisting of:

CONTRACTOR LOT 1.1 for the design and build of the structural works:
Alsim Alarko Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri ve Ticaret A.S. – MAKYOL Insaat Sanayi Turizm ve Ticaret A.S.


  • Romanian state budget
  • European funds
  • External funds reimbursable to JICA through ROM P5 Loan Agreement ratified through Law 228/2010

Building Permit received for the M6 South Section

Bucharest, December 13, 2023 – The South Section of the M6 Metro Line (Lot 1.1), 1 Mai – Tokyo, received today the Building Permit, no. 80/13.12.2023. The ALSIM ALARKO-MAKYOL joint venture, the Contractor appointed by METROREX S.A. for the design and build of the structural works for Lot 1.1: 1 MAI – TOKYO, is now commencing the site works. The works are part of the major project of public interest “Bucharest International Airport Rail Access Link Project (Metro Line 6. 1 Mai – Otopeni)” (SMIS code 2014+117704).

“M6 Metro Line is another major project in the development of the Bucharest metro system, which will expand the existing metro network operated by Metrorex, increasing the mobility of the population of the Bucharest metropolitan area and the city of Otopeni and will be added to the portfolio of our company’s achievements”, says Mariana MICLĂUȘ, General Director of Metrorex S.A. “It is at the same time a local, regional and international collaboration, which provides the first direct fast link between the Northern Railway Station (Gara de Nord) and the Henri Coandă International Airport, integrating regional air, rail and road transport flows and creating a main intermodal connection pole in the Trans-European Transport Network, contributing to the development of sustainable mobility and to the achievement of the EU objectives in terms of sustainable mobility”, says the General Director of Metrorex S.A.

The M6 Metro Line features 14.2 km of double-tracks, 12 new modern trains, and 12 stations.
The South Section (Lot 1.1) is the segment between 1 Mai (currently existent) – Tokyo (inclusive; the Băneasa Airport area, IKEA) stations and has a route of 6.6 km. In addition to the 1 Mai station (existing), the South Section includes six stations: Pajura, Expoziției, Piața Montreal, Gara Băneasa, Aeroport Băneasa, Tokyo; Lot 1.1 route also includes six interstations: 1 Mai – Pajura, Pajura- Expoziției, Expoziției – Piața Montreal, Piața Montreal – Gara Băneasa, Gara Băneasa – Aeroport Băneasa, Aeroport Băneasa – Tokyo.

“We have been waiting for this moment and we are ready to start the works on the new M6 Metro Line, for the execution of the structural works for Lot 1.1: 1 MAI – TOKYO. To begin with, the presence of the construction site will be felt on the surface, and we will do our utmost to ensure that the inherent discomfort created by the works is minimized for traffic participants and residents in the vicinity of the site.

After the preparation of the working terrain and the implementation of the site organization, underground works will commence, the TBMs will start excavation, from the Tokyo Station, Aeroport Băneasa, Gara Băneasa”, says Ertuğrul AYDIN, the Representative of the Constructor in the ALSIM ALARKO-MAKYOL Join Venture.

“M6 is a project for the community, which will change the lives of people and Bucharest for the better. Considering the public utility of this national importance investment project, we are counting on an efficient cooperation between the Contractor and all stakeholders”, adds Orhan BAYRAM, Deputy Project Manager of ALSIM ALARKO-MAKYOL Joint Venture.

The total value of the Financing Contract for the M6 Metro Line is 6,330,126,868.43 lei, of which the total EU co-financing amount is 2,360,297,240.00 lei, being granted from the Cohesion Fund through the Operational Program Large Infrastructure 2014-2020.


About M6 Metro Line

M6 Metro Line: 1 Mai – Otopeni aims mainly to serve the Otopeni International Airport, linking it to the North Railway Station (Gara de Nord). M6 Metro Line 1 Mai – Otopeni, the metro connection to the Henri Coandă International Airport will run in the N-NW direction of the Capital and will cross District 1, namely the following neighborhoods: Grivița, Bucureștii Noi, Piața Presei Libere, Băneasa, Privighetorilor and Otopeni.
The new metro line is configured into two sections and will comprise a total of 12 new stations. The South Section of the project, 1 Mai – Tokyo, (Lot 1.1), includes a joint station with the current M4 line and 6 new stations: Pajura, Expoziției, Piața Montreal, Gara Băneasa, Aeroport Băneasa, Tokyo. The North Section, Tokyo – Otopeni Airport, related to Lot 1.2, includes the stations: Washington, Paris, Bruxelles, Otopeni, Ion I. C. Brătianu and Aeroport Otopeni.

The principal areas crossed are mainly residential areas, commercial areas, services, transportation areas, special purpose area, public utility services, areas of cultural interest, open land with potential for construction (on Expoziției Boulevard, Poligrafiei Boulevard, Băneasa, Otopeni), green and recreational areas.

At the ring road station (Bruxelles), a “Park & Ride” parking lot will be built, with around 500 spaces, where drivers will be able to leave their cars to continue their subway journey. Kiss & Go parking lots will be built at Pajura, Washington and Paris stations – used for short-term parking, to passengers’ drop off or pick up.

METROREX S.A. – Bucharest Metro Network Operator

International Consortium consisting of:

CONTRACTOR LOT 1.1 for the design and build of the structural works:
Alsim Alarko Alarko Sanayi Tesisleri ve Ticaret A.S. – MAKYOL Insaat Sanayi Turizm ve Ticaret A.S.


  • External funds reimbursable to JICA through ROM P5 Loan Agreement ratified through Law 228/2010
  • Romanian state budget
  • European funds

The second TBM in the South Section

The second TBM that arrived from Turkey in the port of Constanta – Agigea on October 27, 2009, was transported between October 30 and November 2, 2009, in the special storage area.

Railways Days 2023

We love events that bring together leading players in our field.

From 17 to 18 October, Metrorex participated in the event “Railways Days”, organized by the Railway Club. On this occasion, Lot 1.1 considered it an appropriate occasion to promote the new M6 Metro Line. Alsim Alarko – Makyol prepared materials to represent the M6 brand image at a landmark event in the field of transportation as well as at other events of the project.

Metro Master class

The event took place on October 5, in a classroom of the Beneficiary at Laminorului metro station, on the occasion of the World Education Day.

20 children, each accompanied by an adult, attended a metro train engineer training course and learned about the new M6 Metro Line. Each child had the opportunity to sit at the same desk next to a metro train engineer. An instructor from the Beneficiary, the General Director of Metrorex and the Public Communication Manager on the Contractor’s behalf addressed the children and answered their questions. For the first time, children and mechanics attending the training course watched the video about the arrival of the first TBM for the M6 Metro Line. All participants of the event received a kit with M6 and POIM branded materials. The kit consisted of: canvas bag, notebook and pen, flyer, mug, badge and an umbrella.

June 1, 2023

On June 1, the International Children’s Day, METROREX and Alsim Alarko – Makyol implemented the campaign “How the M6 is seen through the children’s eyes”. Children were invited to show their creativity through pre-event drawings and to share their ideas, vision and perception of the metro and the new M6 Metro Line, which were later presented in an exhibition. The children who submitted their artwork about the metro and the new M6 Metro Line were invited to Străulești Station/Depot, accompanied by adults, to visit the Metro Museum, meet with Metrorex representatives and see where the trains rest when they are not running. On this occasion, the children received information about the metro and the M6 Metro Line; they also received balloons, pinwheels, M6 branded badges, and had the opportunity to ask questions, enter the mechanic’s cab, meet with the representatives of Metrorex management.